Rick Burgess
Co-host of the nationally syndicated Rick and Bubba Show
The Rick and Bubba Show is heard across the country on over 65 radio stations and XM Channel 158 and is based out of Birmingham, Alabama. Rick has also co-wrote three New York Times best selling books “Rick and Bubba’s Expert Guide to God, Country, Family and Anything Else We Can Think Of”, “The Rick and Bubba Code” And the Current “Rick and Bubba for President”. Rick and Bubba also appear in Max Lucado’s animated series “Hermie and Friends” as cockroaches Iggy and Ziggy. Rick has appeared numerous times on the Fox News Programs, Fox and Friends and Hannity and Colmes plus numerous appearances on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Rick is the husband of the former Sherri Bodine and the father of 5 Brandi, Blake, Brooks, Brody and Bronner…..Rick’s eulogy from his youngest son’s eulogy became the weeks number one viewed video in the world on Youtube.