December 2023 Prayer Gram

December 4, 2023
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First Tuesday Prayer Gathering – December 5

Our last First Tuesday Prayer Gathering of 2023 will take place on Tuesday, December 5, from 7:00-7:30am CST.

We would love for you to join us as we thank God for all He’s done this year and intercede for our partners and the world in such a crucial time. You can join us on Zoom from anywhere!
Colossians 4:2-4


Global Impact Match – Matching Gift Challenge

Several generous donors have given $400,000 as a matching gift. As a result, the first $400,000 in new donations by year-end will be doubled!

Please prayerfully consider making a new gift to be doubled if made by December 31. You can designate your gift for Church Planting, Relief for Israel, or our One Million Bibles Challenge.
Philippians 1:2-11


Explaining the Joy of Christmas

Millions of Christmas worship services, prayer gatherings, and celebrations will take place during December. Missionaries speak of the curiosity of many who know almost nothing about Christianity and yet are curious about the joyful story of Christ’s birth and come to learn what it means.

Please pray for all those who will hear about the birth of Christ for the first time. Let’s pray that they also will learn about His sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection to save all who believe in Him!
John 3:15-18

Sharing the Gospel with the Deaf Around the World

Pray alongside our partners to the deaf community:
● For the teams in an Asian country seeking local leaders to join the mission.
● For teams working on a Bible translation project being impacted by the war in Gaza and Israel.
● For the tight-knit, deaf community and their loved ones in Maine as they grieve the loss of four members from the recent mass shooting there.
Ephesians 6:10-15

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