February 2024 Prayer Gram

February 2, 2024
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First Tuesday Prayer Gathering – Streamed LIVE on February 6

Join us live for our First Tuesday Prayer Gathering on February 6. We’ll meet together on Zoom from 7:00 7:30am CST to intercede for our world and the work our ministry partners are doing.

Luke 18:1-8


Keep Praying for Persecuted Church Planters and Disciple-Makers

According to a recent report issued by Open Doors, “4,998 Christians were killed for faith-related reasons last year.” Open Doors also reported that one in seven Christians worldwide are persecuted for their faith, one in five African believers are persecuted, and two in five Asian believers are persecuted. Please intercede with us for all the believers in Africa and Asia in particular, as well as all of our church planters and disciple-makers in those regions.

Ephesians 6:18-20

Prayer Requests for Believers in Africa and South Asia

Our partners at New Generations have asked for prayer about three situations and challenges:

  1. “Pray for new leaders emerging out of witchcraft, prisons, gangs, and prostitution in South Africa. Pray that God will strengthen their commitment to grow and lead others.”
  2. “Pray for the recording of the fourth series in New Generations’ 300 Bible Stories in Central Africa. Pray for all the technicians and participants to produce excellent translations and recordings.”
  3. “Pray for a seminary in South Asia that is targeting 50 unreached people groups with Disciple Making Movement Strategy.”

1 Corinthians 1:26-31

2023 Mission Podcast Highlights

Our partners at Every Home for Christ shared a 2023 highlight reel of their podcast, Redeeming Missions, including conversations with leaders from the Himalayan region, the Middle East, and more. Enjoy these inspiring conversations, and please pray for these leaders as they’re serving Jesus and His people across the globe.

Philippians 4:10-14


The Story of Our Sister, Ekorot, in Northern Kenya

Our partners, The Timothy Initiative, shared this testimony of a dear sister from a region where living conditions are extreme, and survival is a daily battle.

“For Ekorot, the Gospel came to her just in time.”

James 2:5, 15-16


It’s an honor to share these prayer requests and reports from our partners with you. Your continued prayers and support are empowering this Kingdom-work globally!

THANK YOU for advancing God’s Kingdom!

The Doulos Partners Team

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