January 2024 Prayer Gram

January 1, 2024
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Happy New Year!

Can you believe 2024 is here? We are so thankful to kick off another year with you, Doulos family! We believe that God has immeasurably more in store this year than we can ask or imagine. Our goal is to continue spreading the Gospel further and faster, and you have an important role to play in this mission. We humbly ask for your prayers throughout this month and year as we work together to see hearts turn to Jesus, disciples trained, and churches planted.

First Tuesday Prayer Gathering – Streamed LIVE on January 9

Kick off your year by joining us live online for our first scheduled “First Tuesday Prayer Gathering” of 2024 which will take place on January 9 from 7:00-7:30am CST. You can easily join from wherever you are by clicking the Zoom link below when we’re live!

Acts 6:4


Boldness to Proclaim the Gospel Despite Persecution

There are reports of ongoing and even increasing persecution in many countries and regions, especially in North Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and East Asia. Please intercede with us for the disciples, church planters, and new believers there. Pray as the apostles prayed when they quoted Psalm 2 in the midst of fierce opposition. Pray that our Lord will “grant to Your servants to continue to speak Your word with all boldness.”

Acts 4:23-31

Pray for Good Soil and Fruitfulness Following the Word Planted in Many Hearts Over Christmas

Many around the world heard about Jesus for the first time during Advent. Pray that their hearts would be good soil, producing much fruit that will last.

Luke 8:9-15

Practical Guidance about Fasting

Many people consider fasting in January after feasting during the holidays, but of course, this spiritual discipline is not about dieting. Please consider PRAYING AND FASTING with humility during some part of January about priorities the Lord has put on your heart, such as your family, church, pastor, neighbors, work colleagues, nations, people groups, our ministry partners, and our whole Doulos Partners community. Our brothers and sisters at e3 Partners have shared many helpful podcasts, including a very short one with practical advice about fasting at the link below.

Matthew 6:5-18


Global Prayer Prompts

You can intercede for minute-by-minute prayer requests from around the world through this incredible resource from one of our ministry partners, Every Home for Christ. What a great way to pray for God’s people across the globe.

Luke 18:1-8


Thank you for your faithful prayers for what God is doing around the world! We pray you and your loved ones have a wonderful New Year!

The Doulos Partners Team

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