March 2024 Prayer Gram

March 1, 2024
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First Tuesday Prayer Gathering – March 5

We would love for you to join us live during our First Tuesday Prayer Gathering on March 5 from 7:00-7:30am CST! We’ll meet via Zoom to pray for our ministry partner teams in the field, new believers in Christ, more people to come to know Him, for our partners, and for each other.


1 Thessalonians 5:16-19

Evangelists to the Deaf

Please intercede with us for these recent requests from our partners to the Deaf community:
● Pray for our sister, Julia, who works with deaf teams to translate God’s word into their sign languages.
● Pray for the survey team recently back from Central Asia as they analyze all the data collected and pray that DOOR International will make wise use of the information.
● Praise the Lord for the recent publication of multiple Bible passages in two major sign languages in Eurasia and North Africa.

2 Timothy 3:14-17

“Bless Five”

One of our ministry partners, New Generations, shares helpful prayer guides and prompts, including this resource that helps you pray for five people for five minutes each over five days.


Ephesians 6:18-20

The Gospel Can Transform Individuals, Families and Entire Communities

There is power in our testimonies! We wanted to share a powerful testimony from our partner, e3 Partners, of how God is working through a Middle Eastern family in the Middle East.


2 Timothy 1:5

We could never thank you enough for your faithful prayers and support. You are making a Kingdom impact, and it’s an honor to join in God’s work across the globe together!

The Doulos Partners Team

The Covenant-Keeping King

The Covenant-Keeping King

Tofey Leon
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