May 2024 Prayer Gram

May 2, 2024
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Pray With Us | May 7

We would love for you to join us for our First Tuesday Prayer Gathering on Tuesday, May 7 from 7:00-7:30am CST! We’ll gather together via Zoom to seek the Lord and pray for His will, His guidance, His blessings, and His salvation around the world and in our lives.

John 16:23-27


Global Prayer Prompts

Every Home for Christ, one of our ministry partners, provides access to minute-by-minute prayer requests for people groups and individuals all over the world. This is a great resource to utilize in praying for God’s work across the world.

Ephesians 6:16-19


Evangelists to the Deaf

Please join DOOR International, our ministry partners serving the Deaf, in lifting these prayer requests:

  • For a Eurasian missionary recently arrested for sharing the Gospel in a nearby country.
  • For wisdom for the North African team facing multiple challenges.
  • For the premiere and broad distribution of the “Jesus” movie, the very first full-length Christian film in American Sign Language.  

Ephesians 3:14-20  

No Longer an Imported Jesus

Check out this podcast interview between our brothers Tanner Peake and Cleopas Chitapa about what the Lord is doing in Africa. Cleopas oversees the evangelism efforts of Every Home for Christ in over 50 African countries.

Isaiah 9:1-4


Unexpected Heroes: God Uses the Ordinary

We’re so inspired by this story from our partners at New Generations about two men who were initially viewed as not being sufficiently talented or gifted to lead Gospel outreach efforts in Cameroon.

“Early this year, we had a two-day session with some of our church planters in North Cameroon on orality principles through storytelling. The exercise was to end with the distribution of SD Cards containing audio Bibles.

We initially assumed that focusing on the smartest of our church planters would make the work move faster. So, we focused on choosing those who could read, write, and speak fluent French as participants.

During the workshops, there were two guys who didn’t really understand what we were saying. We had to get an interpreter for them, thus making our work more complicated. On day two, we noticed our two friends did not have to work hard to accurately memorize the stories we told them. The others tended to paraphrase, but these two were as faithful as recorders.

A few weeks after the workshops, we noticed something really amazing. These two men had confidently shared many Bible stories within their communities.

Our Data Team discovered 12 Discovery Bible Studies (DBSs) that they had launched, and four new churches, all with vibrant disciples.

This experience with our two friends has totally shaped my perspective on who God wants to use, especially in the areas of cross-cultural ministries. In June this year, we have plans to conduct a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) training with 20 oral learners who will start movements in their communities through storytelling.

God’s choices are not always ours. He is reaching out to the nations through ordinary men and women.

To learn more about New Generations’ Audio Scripture Sets and Songs project, click here!”

1 Corinthians 1:17-31

Two men sitting outside smilingDescription automatically generated

We are so grateful for all of your prayers and support, Doulos Community! Through your prayers, giving, and involvement, you're impacting eternity.

For His Glory,

The Doulos Partners Team

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