November 2023 Prayer Gram

November 2, 2023
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First Tuesday Prayer Gathering – November 7

We would be honored for you to join us for our First Tuesday Prayer Gathering as we intercede together on Tuesday, November 7, from 7:00-7:30am CST. Just click below when we’re live to join.
Philippians 4:4-7

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Terror and War in Israel

Please continue praying for all those affected by the October 7 terrorist attack and the subsequent war in Israel. Pray “for all those in authority” throughout the Middle East who are seeking to enable their people to “live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” We believe that amidst such devastation, people will come to know Jesus, our Savior. Pray that our partners in the area and all local Christians will be able to help heal and minister to all who are hurting.
1 Timothy 2:1-6

Latest Prayer Prompts from the Field

Click below to see a scrolling list of updated prayer requests from our sisters and brothers from around the world.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19

Prayer Requests

Evangelists to the Deaf

Let’s lift up in prayer these recent requests from our partners ministering to the deaf:
● Pray for 2×2 teams in a country with lots of hostility towards the Gospel.
● Pray for 2×2 teams in a location with logistical challenges for baptisms.
● Pray for several members of Bible translation teams facing significant health problems.
Romans 15:30-33

The Role of “Abundant Prayer” in Making Disciples and Planting Churches

This encouraging podcast from our partner teaches us more about the role of prayer in making disciples and planting churches and how to improve our prayer lives.
2 Chronicles 7:14

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