October 2023 Prayer Gram

October 1, 2023
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First Tuesday Prayer Gathering – Join us LIVE on October 3

We’re expectant that our October First Tuesday Prayer Gathering will be powerful. Nothing will make it better than having YOU join us live on Zoom!

We will meet on Tuesday, October 3, from 7:00-7:30am CDT. Joining us to pray from anywhere is easy—just click here to join us on Zoom!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-19

Helping Refugees and Those in Desperate Circumstances

Many nations and people groups around the world are experiencing war, social unrest, or significant instability. Please pray especially for our brothers and sisters in two West African neighboring countries, Burkina Faso and Mali. Pray also for those who are displaced there—that they will find homes among Christians and experience the peace and love of Christ amid very difficult circumstances.

Jeremiah 29:7

Challenges to Reaching the Lost in a Central African Republic Village

The village of Ounandago is known in the Central African Republic for its rampant crime and hostility to the Gospel. Please pray for the courage of believers to take the Gospel there and for wisdom to find influential “persons of peace” to begin bringing light and hope to a dark and dangerous place. May repentance come to this village.

Luke 10:3-7

Making Disciples Among the Deaf

Join us in praying for our sisters and brothers sharing the Gospel with the deaf around the world:

  • For the 2×2 teams in an unnamed Asian country where persecution is prevalent.
  • Filming has been completed for the new sign language translation of the Action Bible New Testament. Pray for the team as they work on the editing process.
  • For deaf people worldwide who have never been presented with the Gospel and for the Lord to guide and empower more believers to share the good news with them.

Matthew 9:38

Testimony from the Field

Your giving and involvement make such an incredible difference in lives all around the world! Click here to see and hear from someone who learned about Jesus from the mission efforts you help support.

Philippians 1:3-5

We’re forever grateful for your investment into God’s Kingdom through Doulos Partners!

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